I'm being hosted in Jamaica by Church Reparations Action Forum known as CRAF. It is made up of representatives of a number of church denominations across Jamaica and they are seeking to redress the injustice's of the historic slave trade.
I've arrived in the middle of a pilgrimage of representatives from the Church of Scotland, Episcopal Church of Scotland, Christian Aid and of course the United Reformed Church. The reps from Episcopal Church and Christian Aid have gone home so it is just the Church of Scotland and URC.who are left.
Being part of the church makes me extremely grateful that I can travel across the globe and meet brothers and sisters from different cultures who I have so much in common with.
The CRAF team are really looked after us and are excellent hosts.
If you'd like to read about their vision here is a link:
We've been to meet the leader of the opposition today and talked about reparations and the need to educate people about what reparations are. CRAF work hard at expressing the principle that this is primarily about justice and reconciliation not just money.
Almost 2 million enslaved people were traded over the years and the plantation business was dependent on the forced servitude of individuals. Once in Jamaica the life expectancy of the enslaved was 7 years.
The missionaries on the island were accused of stirring up political dissension and encouraging those in captivity to rise up and claim their freedom.
There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Gal 3:28
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