The Fight Goes On........
Lots of organisations and individuals speak of the legacies of slavery suggesting that we no longer need to deal with slavery as a continuing issue in the world.
The historic slave trade was a barbaric time in our history where slavery was not only sanctioned by governments but was also upheld by institutions and individuals. Slavery today continues under the radar in most countries but is more prevalent than ever.
The global slavery index approximates in 2021 there were 49.6million people in slavery. See the link below for more details.
Some other facts and figures about slavery today:
- There are more people enslaved today than will visit Las Vegas this year.
- At the end of 2021 there were approx 12,727 victims of modern day slavery referred to authorities in the UK.
- Slavery is the third most prolific crime in the world today generating approx $150 billion in revenue. It is third behind only counterfeiting and drug trafficking.
- Many of our everyday products are produced by slave labour. Industries such as coffee and chocolate production, clothing, sugar and mining of gemstones are dependent on enslaved people.
Organisations such as International Justice Mission are at the forefront of seeking to bring freedom and justice to those who find themselves caught up in modern day slavery.
IJM offer partnership opportunities with individuals, organisations and churches to contribute to fighting the scourge of modern slavery and helping to rescue and bring justice to the most vulnerable members of society. They are an international charity that works with governments and law enforcement agencies to see justice done.
Although the work of IJM is difficult and in many ways harrowing they are convinced that slavery can be ended and they are working to bring an end to enslaved labour and people trafficking.
Here is a video that tells of one victim of slavery that was rescued by IJM.
If you want to know more about how you can help end slavery and bring hope to peoples lives check out the IJM website and hear the stories of hope and how you can be involved.
International Justice Mission Website
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