The Final Day

I'm sitting here at Accra International Airport waiting for my flight back to London in a state of semi shock.

I cannot quite believe or comprehend what I have seen and heard over these last ten days.

Before I rattle on can I suggest if you want to read the text in any of the photos on this post you click on the photos? That should open up a higher res image and make it easier for all of us with age related site issues to see things more clearly.

Today has been an immensely significant day. In all my planning for coming to Ghana it was my huge wish to visit the team at International Justice Mission in Ghana. It has taken some doing but today it was my privilege to spend the morning in morning prayers and listening to some of the team sharing their stories of what they do and why they do it.

The difficulty is, as you may have realized if you've read all my blog, that slavery is not a thing of the past. IJM in Ghana are on the front-line of combating child trafficking. They work tirelessly with law enforcement agencies, social workers and legal representatives to bring hope to the lives of hundreds of children trapped in slave labour on Lake Volta. Watch the following video for a story of what goes on (Please watch the video it will take less than five minutes of your time.).

IJM Ghana Child Trafficking

IJM are a Christian NGO that believe in bringing hope, now, to those who are in bondage. They investigate, release, prosecute and run significant aftercare programs for those released. The work they do is too big for me to explain in one post but they are a people who believe God calls us to offer hope and to get involved in fighting injustice wherever it may be.

I did not take any photos of the office today (Which as you know would have been difficult for me ;) ) and will not use any names but the team of young, passionate professionals do an outstanding job in difficult circumstances to see people set free. 

There are many ways we can be involved in big or small ways, but maybe it begins by looking at the IJMUK website and reading how they can help you to get involved. You don't have to be a person of faith to support their work, just a person who recognises that for so many people life is not fair and they should be given a chance to flourish rather than be chained and held in captivity.


Thank you for getting this far. 

Do get in touch if you want to know more.

Isaiah 61:8

For I the Lord love justice; I hate robbery and wrong; I will faithfully give them their recompense, and I will make an everlasting covenant with them.


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